
  of the speech technology industry...

23 February 2005: SpeechTEK conference larger than ever. The conference has grown to two versions, East and West coasts, with more exhibitors and floor space than seen in prior years, in contrast to many recent trade shows which have had nearly demoralizing attendance. Considerable exhibitor attention is being paid to voice dialog design with an impressive demo from SpeechWorks. Other high spots at these conferences are the exceptionally realistic text-to-speech engines Rhetorical rVoice and Elan Sayso. Intel is quiet about its effort to place DSP processing chips on PC motherboards to enable inexpensive processing for far field (no user worn headset) microphones. Click "here for the SpeehTEK site" .

26 Mar 2002: Scansoft Announces MediaIndexerT tool to search audio and video archives. This software makes it possible for the user to search for and replay specific words or phrases within audio and video recordings, a process that can also be conducted over the Internet. The MediaIndexerT significantly expedites audio searches, which are highly time consuming using the traditional retrieval methods that require a human to listen to extended portions of recordings to locate desired content. Click "here for full ScanSoft press release" .

12 December 2001: ScanSoft acquires L&H speech assets. The acquisition of speech technology assets of Lernout and Hauspie was finalized today. These assets include such products as Dragon NaturallySpeaking, MediaIndexer, RealSpeak, and developer SDK's for handheld and embedded devices. Some of the research and development staff will also be retained. Talks with management reveal a strong desire to continue to improve and develop the L&H line in order to round out ScanSoft's other media products. Click "here for full ScanSoft press release" .

30 June 2001: IBM announces array of speech tools for Linux. At PC Expo, Scott Handy, DIrector of Linux Solutions underscored IBM commitment to speech tools for Linux. Click "here for interview details" .

2 November 2000: SONY bundles Dragon NaturallySpeaking® software with hand held recorder. L&H's Dragon NaturallySpeaking® version 5 is being combined with either the Sony ICD-MS1 Memory Stick Digital Voice Recorder or the ICD-R100 Digital Voice Recorder. This combo enables users to dictate documents while away from a PC. Upon returning to a PC, users download their dictation for automatic transcription by the Dragon NaturallySpeaking® software. The software also enables users to easily edit documents and e-mail, surf the Web, and navigate their desktops.

1 October 1999: Product review of desktop speech recognition software. November 1999 Software Development Magazine contains a hard hitting survey of desktop dictation offerings. This is the first time this magazine shows the value of speech recognition for developers.

22 June 1999: Tyranny of headset microphones overthrown. At PC Expo in New York City, two vendors, Telex and Andrea, showed prototypes of desktop microphones that would do away with the need to wear those bulky headset style microphones while using speech recognition products. Initial demonstrations, which use sophisticated acoustic wave and phased array processing, were quite impressive.

26 April 1999: IBM announced today support for speech recognition under the Linux operating system. The initial beta version of ViaVoice engine and SDK for Linux is available in US English. Red Hat Software will be the first to distribute IBM's speech technology as part of the company's Linux 6.0 Application CD. In addition to offering its ViaVoice SDK and engine for Linux, IBM will host a Web site for new technology downloads and a discussion group for technical information and collaboration with fellow developers. For more information about these services, visit IBM at and select ``Linux.''

28 January 1999: Lucent Technologies announced the formation of a new business unit - Lucent Speech Solutions - dedicated solely to the delivery of speech products all based on Bell Labs speech technology. In his statement Dan Furman, Lucent Speech Solutions president, made a noteworthy prediction: "Speech is the interface for the next generation of networks." What are you doing about this for your networks?

13 January 1999: Dragon Systems gives speech recognition an Internet push. Dragon has entered into an agreement with AOL to market products and online capabilities that utilize speech recognition. The efforts are "designed to enhance the experience of AOL members, to accelerate the adoption of speech technology for the Internet, and to broaden the number of online users by making online access easier" according to Dragon.

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